You've managed to find your way to my site.
Everything you'll find here has been curated just for you.
**Here's a Ben Gothard starter kit for you:**
My reading list: [[Reading List]]
My core values: [[Core Values]]
My philosophy of the 7 core disciplines of life here (also below): [[7 Core Disciplines]]
![[Pasted image 20240331180644.png]]
**If you'd like to connect, you can find me here:**
- Twitter: [x.com/BenPGothard](https://x.com/BenPGothard)
- Most active here now (plus this site)
- Linkedin: [linkedin.com/in/bengothardofficial](https://linkedin.com/in/bengothardofficial)
- Perfect spot to see my experience
- YouTube: [youtube.com/@bengothard](https://youtube.com/@bengothard)
- Loads of content, including my podcasts
- Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ben-Gothard/author/B01HXI0UR4
- Podcasts:
- Interlinked: https://linktr.ee/interlinkedtv (official pod of [Neo Tokyo](https://neotokyo.codes))
- BGTV: [BGTV.me](https://BGTV.me) (final rebrand of all past shows)
- Project EGG: [projectegg.co](https://projectegg.co) (300+ episodes)
- Crypto Gaming Institute: [cryptogaming.institute](https://cryptogaming.institute) (90+ episodes)
- eCommerce Mastery: [ecommastery.org](https://ecommastery.org) (partnership w/ Dropified)
- DappRadio: [dappradio.com](https://dappradio.com) (partnership w/ DappRadar)
- Decentral Gamer: [decentralgamer.com](https://decentralgamer.com) (partnership w/ Decentral Games)
Good morning.